Cultivating Seeds of Hope

Murray Coetzee, Retief Muller, Len Hansen (eds.):

Cultivating Seeds of Hope. Conversation on the Life of Beyers Naudé,

Stellenbosch 2015, ISBN 978-1-920689-70-4 (xvi + 346 pages)

This publication is a collection of 40 oral testimonies about Christian Beyers Naudé, but also about the apartheid era in general and about the role that Christianity played in that period [1948-1994]. In addition to an abundance of insights on Beyers Naudé by a number of those who knew him best, it offers perspectives on the movements and entities that Naudé associated himself with; for example, the Christian Institute (CI), the South African Council of Churches (SACC) and the people involved in both. Stories unfold – of faith and suffering, as well as betrayal, all against the background of an overtly racist apartheid-state and by implication against a capitalist system with class-divisions that degraded human beings and denied them human dignity.

Interviews with (among others):  Douglas Bax, Allan Boesak, Manas Buthelezi, Jim Cochrane, Horst Kleinschmidt,  Cedric Mayson,  Weli Mazamisa, Johann Naudé, Francois Naudé, Hermann Naudé, Liesel Naudé, Piet Meiring, Albert Nolan, Barney Pityana,  Boudewijn Sjollema,  Dirkie Smit,  Desmond Tutu,  Charles Villa-Vicencio.


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