Afzal Moolla: “No one at all … …”

Who killed the miners at Marikana?

… Definitely not the executive,

nor the executives
far removed from the grime
and the slime.

Who killed the miners at Marikana?

Not the Prez,
not even the press for a change,


so who killed the miners at Marikana?

The unions perhaps,
or the errant miner
led astray,

in that obscene demand for better pay?

Who killed the miners at Marikana?

Not armed cops,
firing bullets of lead into the back of the head,

execution-style it’s been said.

Who killed the miners at Marikana?

It seems no one can be found,

as bodies decompose deep under gold dust ground,

while families grieve,

there’s no one around to take the fall,


who killed the Marikana Miners?

No one.

No one at all …

afzal Moolla*
2018 copyleft

* inspired by the protest-song “Who Killed Davey Moore” by Bob Dylan.

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