Encounter & Exchange: 1737 – 1869

Bernhard Krüger:
The Pear Tree Blossoms.
The History of the Moravian Church in South Africa 1737 – 1869.
[With 15 Reproductions of Historical Originals]
Genadendal 1966
335 pages.

This book tells the story of the Moravian mission-stations at the Cape from their beginning until the division of the work into two provinces. It is largely based on hitherto unexplored sources at the Genadendal archives and places the events into the context of South African general history. For the first periods, during which the foundations were laid at Genadendal, the author has told the story in detail, but as the range of the work increased, he turned to concentrate on a smaller selection of personalities and events.

It is an account of a peculiar and remarkable effort, which made an impact on the ecclesiastical history of the Cape, throws an interesting light on the contemporary South African scene and has resulted in the establishment of the Moravian Church in that country. In the concluding chapter, an evaluation of the characteristics, intentions and limitation of this enterprise is given.

CONTENTS  >> Encounter-and-exchange-1737-1869



2 Kommentare zu diesem Artikel bisher »

Kommentare zu »Encounter & Exchange: 1737 – 1869«

  1. Sadly the book needs to be re-written. Krüger writes during and from within the heart of apartheid. I stopped reading it when I could not take his attitude any further.

    Hope you are well,



  2. Dear Horst,

    a critical review of Krüger’s publication is, indeed, overdue.

    I hope for respective response soon.

    Wishing you a good day,



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