BOOK REVIEW: ‘iBandla lamaNazaretha’

Joel Cabrita:

Texts, Authority, and Community in the South African
‘iBandla lamaNazaretha’ (Church of the Nazaretha),

New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014. Xvii +400 pp.

`IBandla lamaNazaretha´ (the Church of the Nazaretha) is one of the largest churches in Southern Africa. Since its founding 1910 it has grown to an estimated six million followers.

In ` Texts, Authority, and Community in the South African iBandla lamaNazaretha’ (Church of the Nazaretha), 1910-1976´ Joel Cabrita challenges the dominant arguments of this literature through an examination of Nazaretha texts – old and new testaments, hymnals, prayer books and the story traditions of the founder and his successors.

While some scholars have long seen the `iBandla lamaNazaretha´ as an indigenous appropriation of Christianity, Cabrita contends that the church-leaders’ method of using text to claim charismatic power has its roots in the Pentecostal tradition of Protestant Christianity. [read >> Text Authority and Community in the South African iBandla lamaNazaretha 1910-1976]

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