Poisoned Pasts: Lessons from South Africa’s Chemical and Biological Warfare Programme for Responsible Science

JOHANNESBURG, 28 November 2016. The exhibition at the Nelson Mandela Foundation in Houghton, Johannesburg, entitled POISONED PASTS,  gives an insight into the chemical and biological warfare programme of South Africa’s apartheid-regime [1948-1994]. It was inaugurated on 28 November 2016 and is open to the public until March 2017.

POISONED PASTS is a collaboration between the Institute for Security Studies, the University of Exeter, Stellenbosch University and Liverpool John Moors University. It includes photographs and press-releases originating from Khulumani, and interviews with Khulumani-members, whose loved ones were abducted using agents produced in the laboratories established by Dr Wouter Basson.

>> Marjorie Jobson: Reflections on the POISONED PASTS Exhibition and the Signposts for the Future

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